(* indicates corresponding author)
Feng, Y., Li, J. * and Song, X. (2024). Testing conditional quantile independence with functional covariate. Biometrics, 80(2), ujae036.
Hu, Q. and Li, J. * (2024). Statistical inference for mean function of longitudinal imaging data over complicated domains. Statistica Sinica, 34(2), 955-982.
Li, J. and Yang, L. (2023). Statistical inference for functional time series. Statistica Sinica, 33(1), 519-549.
Li, J., Wang, J. and Yang, L. (2022) Kolmogorov-Smirnov simultaneous confidence bands for time series distribution function. Computational Statistics, 37(3), 1015-1039.
Li, J., Hu, Q. and Zhang, F. (2022) Multi-step-ahead prediction interval for locally stationary time series with application to air pollutants concentration data. Stat, 11(1), e411.
Submitted papers
Feng, Y., Li, J. * and Song, X. (2023+). Testing linearity in semi-functional partial linear models.
Feng, Y., Li, J. * and Song, X. (2023+). Significance testing of the functional covariate.
Hu, Q. and Li, J. * (2023+). Simultaneous inference for covariance function of next-generation functional data.
Working papers
Li, J., Ma, S. and Li, Y. (2023+). Time-varying treatment effects of functional data with latent confounders.
Li, J., Cai, H. and Ma, S. (2023+). Individualized online policy optimization for functional data.